Friday Roundup – October 6, 2017

Fearless girl statute in New York City. An audit of the firm that designed it revealed they had been systematically underpaying women and minorities. (Photo via Boston Globe)

Here is our latest collection of the news and essays we’ve been reading. Happy Friday!



Equifax makes money by knowing a lot about you (Seattle Times)

How the Equifax Hack Could Hurt Anyone Applying for a Job (The Atlantic)


At Work

It’s nine years since the recession. So why are employers still stingy with raises? (Washington Post)

The gender pay gap that still needs to be closed (The Economist)

The firm that brought us ‘Fearless Girl’ was underpaying women, U.S. government says (Washington Post)



Clueless on Cuba’s economy (The Economist)

A ‘Sonic Attack’ on Diplomats in Cuba? These Scientists Doubt It (New York Times)

U.S. expulsion of Cuban diplomats includes all business officers (Reuters)



Super Awesome Sylvia was a role model to girls in science. Then he realized he is a boy. (Washington Post)

The Department of Justice Takes a Stand Against Transgender Rights in the Workplace (The Atlantic)

Should Universities Ban Single-Gender Discussion Panels? (The Chronicle)


Tensions on Campus

Confederate Flags With Cotton Found on American University Campus (New York Times)

After a Speaker Is Shouted Down, William & Mary Becomes New Flash Point in Free-Speech Fight (The Chronicle)

Racist Incidents Plague U. of Michigan, Angering Students and Testing Leaders (The Chronicle)

Death at a Penn State Fraternity (The Atlantic)

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